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Viewing messages posted by 'Ahel ibn Alquivr <ahelibnalquivr () gmail ! com>' (35 msg)
  1. 2011-06-22  [1] [Bug 276244] adding my blog to planet                 kde-bugs- 
  2. 2011-06-22  [1] [Bug 276244] New: adding my blog to planet            kde-bugs- 
  3. 2011-05-14  [2] [Bug 267197] closing session crash kwin               kde-bugs- 
  4. 2011-05-02  [2] traduttori cercasi?                                   kde-i18n- 
  5. 2011-04-12  [1] [KDE Italia] Re: Iniziativa al politecnico di Milano  kde-itali 
  6. 2011-04-06  [1] [Bug 270201] cannot highlight or select text in text  kde-bugs- 
  7. 2011-03-20  [2] [kde-edu]: Re: GSoC: Educational desktop              kde-edu   
  8. 2011-02-26  [1] [Bug 267197] New: closing session crash kwin          kde-bugs- 
  9. 2011-02-24  [1] [Bug 267046] New: Dolphin crashes when taggin 14 elem kde-bugs- 
 10. 2011-02-24  [2] [Bug 261702] kalarm keeps crashing after closing a re kde-bugs- 
 11. 2011-02-22  [1] [Bug 266891] New: Krita crashed after i opened a pic  kde-bugs- 
 12. 2011-02-22  [2] [Bug 197718] Akregator crashed after feeds update     kde-bugs- 
 13. 2011-02-19  [2] [Bug 240876] crash after closing kontact and launchin kde-bugs- 
 14. 2011-02-19  [2] [kde-edu]: Re: GSoC Proposal: Classroom mode          kde-edu   
 15. 2011-02-13  [1] [KDE Italia] Re: Riunioni periodiche                  kde-itali 
 16. 2011-02-09  [1] [Bug 265907] systemtray in dashboard display programs kde-bugs- 
 17. 2011-02-09  [1] [Bug 265907] New: systemtray in dashboard display pro kde-bugs- 
 18. 2011-02-07  [1] [Bug 180784] plasma dashboard activation in screen co kde-bugs- 
 19. 2011-02-07  [2] [Bug 254056] Desktop map wallpaper settings           kde-bugs- 
 20. 2010-06-21  [4] [Bug 241161] Amarok crashed after removing an album c kde-bugs- 
 21. 2010-06-21  [1] [Bug 242312] kio_file and/or kio_http error with      kde-bugs- 
 22. 2010-06-21  [1] [Bug 226725] Segmentation fault crash (dbus?)         kde-bugs- 
 23. 2010-06-21  [1] [Bug 242312] New: kio_file and/or kio_http error with kde-bugs- 
 24. 2010-05-01  [1] [Bug 235893] New: Kontact crashes when Kmail cancel d kde-bugs- 

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