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Viewing messages posted by 'Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1 () gmail ! com>' (148 msg)
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  1. 2013-09-06 [10] [whatwg] Challenging canvas.supportsContext   
  2. 2013-06-29  [1] Re: [whatwg] Adding 2D Canvas features (Was:  
  3. 2011-08-04  [2] Re: Need help profiling kreversi              
  4. 2011-04-26  [8] plans for a free, OpenGL-based equivalent to  
  5. 2010-12-16  [3] ideas to potentially share some effort        
  6. 2010-12-08 [11] Thoughts from a former KDE, currently Mozill  
  7. 2010-05-21  [2] Re: [PATCH] EHCI: make CONFIG_USB_EHCI_TT_NE  
  8. 2010-03-16  [9] exporting/importing config keys? plus: Mande  
  9. 2010-02-01 [13] [vtk-developers] Scope of VTK and it's poten  
 10. 2009-12-29  [2] wheel events no longer passed to the wallpap  
 11. 2009-11-01  [8] Re: KDE is not an OS platform... (And neithe  
 12. 2009-10-03 [10] [poppler] [PATCH] Fix Splash back-end FT_Loa  
 13. 2009-09-30  [7] Font hinting: suggestion to consistently res  
 14. 2009-08-05  [1] Re: Ultracopier inclusion in KDE and dolphin  
 15. 2009-07-08  [5] removing Eigen from kdesupport?               
 16. 2009-07-07  [1] Re: [PATCH] Add option to use traditional bi  
 17. 2009-06-30  [2] Re: How to configure konqueror to show KB an  
 18. 2009-06-25  [3] Re: Review Request: KColorSpace::KHCY::KHCY(  
 19. 2009-06-25  [1] Re: KDE 4.3 RC1 tarballs (try #1)             
 20. 2009-06-24  [1] Re: koffice                                   
 21. 2009-06-04  [5] Re: KDE 4.3 Beta2 tagged and tarballs upload  
 22. 2009-05-23  [4] eigen moving to mercurial                     
 23. 2009-04-30  [2] Re: kdereview review day                      
 24. 2009-04-30  [4] Fwd: KDEReview for Mandelbrot Wallpaper Plug  
 25. 2009-04-27  [2] KDEReview for Mandelbrot Wallpaper Plugin     
 26. 2009-04-13 [10] how to use the cache-to-disk feature in Wall  
 27. 2009-04-10  [8] Mandelbrot progress, need Qt GUI help!        
 28. 2009-04-10  [7] Usability questions for Mandelbrot            
 29. 2009-04-08  [3] Mandelbrot, continued (and plasma bug report  
 30. 2009-04-07  [1] Mandelbrot ready for review, config bugs      

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