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Viewing messages posted by 'Luca Beltrame <einar () heavensinferno ! net>' (538 msg)
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271. 2008-07-18  [2] [Bug 166914] New: [4.2+] Display items in taskbar onl kde-bugs- 
272. 2008-07-16  [4] [Bug 166744] Graphical glitches in Panel controller   kde-panel 
273. 2008-07-14  [2] [Bug 166185] kickoff show double search results       kde-panel 
274. 2008-07-14  [1] [kde-promo] Plasma-related stuff (FAQ, videos and tra kde-promo 
275. 2008-07-14  [4] [Bug 166487] folderview  widget badly rendered        kde-panel 
276. 2008-07-13  [2] [Bug 154127] Adding plasmoids to the panel appends to kde-panel 
277. 2008-07-12  [1] Re: Blankdesktop containment                          kde-panel 
278. 2008-07-12  [2] [Bug 166375] disable cashew zoom icon                 kde-panel 
279. 2008-07-10  [4] [kde-promo] Plasma ZUI video                          kde-promo 
280. 2008-07-06  [1] Re: [kde-promo] What I may be good for.               kde-promo 
281. 2008-06-29  [2] [kde-promo] Plasma FAQ - request for assistance       kde-promo 
282. 2008-06-28  [2] [Bug 165247] New: Setting a filter in folderview cras kde-panel 
283. 2008-06-28  [4] [Bug 165220] Install "folderview" widget as default i kde-bugs- 
284. 2008-06-24  [2] [Bug 154119] Moving/resizing applets on the panel     kde-panel 
285. 2008-05-30  [1] Questions on creating Plasma applets via scripting    kde-panel 
286. 2008-05-23  [1] A small Plasma "questionnaire"                        kde-panel 
287. 2008-01-09  [2] [kde-promo] Plasma FAQ updated                        kde-promo 
288. 2007-12-31  [1] [kde-promo] Plasma Video + script                     kde-promo 
289. 2007-12-31  [8] [kde-promo] Plasma Video Tutorials - an example       kde-promo 
290. 2007-12-19  [2] [kde-promo] Plasma FAQ on TechBase                    kde-promo 
291. 2007-11-18  [1] [Bug 152162] IO-slaves not working with authenticatio kde-bugs- 
292. 2007-11-11  [1] [Bug 152162] New: IO-slaves not working with authenti kde-bugs- 
293. 2006-12-03  [1] [Bug 138282] New: Remove dependencies on tetex docume kde-bugs- 

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