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Viewing messages posted by 'Luca Beltrame <einar () heavensinferno ! net>' (538 msg)
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  1. 2022-07-08  [1] Re: Heads-up: new version of docker-compose heading to Tum opensuse-fa 
  2. 2013-05-06  [1] [PyQt] sipForceConvertToType and Unicode in PyKDE4         pykde       
  3. 2013-05-06  [1] Re: Using i18n                                             kwrite-deve 
  4. 2013-05-06  [1] Re: [Kde-bindings] Using i18n                              kde-binding 
  5. 2013-01-17  [1] Re: [kde-promo] Forum to cross 40,000 topics               kde-promo   
  6. 2013-01-03  [1] Re: [PyQt] Fwd: [Kde-bindings] problem with sip api 2 for  pykde       
  7. 2012-11-21  [5] Re: Review Request: Tidy up Python 3 support.              kwrite-deve 
  8. 2012-11-20  [3] [PyQt] SIP and QString                                     pykde       
  9. 2012-11-01  [2] [PyQt] Exception while running metaSIP                     pykde       
 10. 2012-10-28  [2] Re: Review Request: Fix CMake Python macros.               kde-buildsy 
 11. 2012-10-08  [1] Re: Review Request: Support Python 3.2's new method of han kde-buildsy 
 12. 2012-10-04  [1] Re: share-like-connect in 4.10                             kde-panel-d 
 13. 2012-10-03  [7] Re: [PyQt] latest pykde4 (4.9.2) build fails against new s pykde       
 14. 2012-09-18  [3] Re: openSUSE KDE team (was Re: [opensuse-kde] Missing pack suse-kde    
 15. 2012-09-11  [1] Re: Changes to Plasma Weather - Git revision 5a09cd815edd7 kde-panel-d 
 16. 2012-06-25  [1] Re: QML, Python, Signals, and Slots Part 2                 kde-panel-d 
 17. 2012-03-11  [1] [Bug 295768] New: Greeter should clear password field when kde-bugs-di 
 18. 2012-03-11  [2] Re: RFC: Removing of decorations                           kde-panel-d 
 19. 2012-03-09  [1] Re: Workflow Idea for 4.10                                 kde-panel-d 
 20. 2012-03-07  [1] Re: [PyQt] Unit testing PyQt applications                  pykde       
 21. 2012-03-06  [1] [Bug 295380] Kexi forum missing                            kde-bugs-di 
 22. 2012-03-06  [1] [Bug 295355] Request for Dolphin forum                     kde-bugs-di 
 23. 2012-03-05  [1] [Bug 295382] New: Login greeter is misplaced in a dual scr kde-bugs-di 
 24. 2012-03-02  [1] Re: [PyQt] Bug of PyQt 4.9.1?                              pykde       
 25. 2012-02-26  [2] [Bug 294883] please setup a kdevelop forum                 kde-bugs-di 
 26. 2012-02-24  [1] First line support outside of (cf. Bugzilla d kde-core-de 
 27. 2012-02-06  [1] Re: Review Request: Allow to choose between ascending and  kde-panel-d 
 28. 2012-02-02  [2] Re: [kde-promo] A proposition on dot articles comments     kde-promo   
 29. 2012-01-29  [1] [Kde-pim] Question on server-side search                   kde-pim     
 30. 2012-01-28  [1] Re: [PyQt] Incompatibility between PyQt compiled with Qt 4 pykde       

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