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Viewing messages posted by '"M.Hilpert" <mhilpert () gmx ! de>' (22 msg)
  1. 2009-02-02  [1] [Bug 77608] screen freeze at logout                   kde-bugs- 
  2. 2004-11-13  [1] Re: problems checking out                             subclipse 
  3. 2004-06-24  [3] [Bug 83685] KStars 1.0 extremely slow (0.9 was fast e kde-bugs- 
  4. 2004-06-20  [1] [Bug 81760] add a "goto" button in the object detail  kde-bugs- 
  5. 2004-06-20  [1] [Bug 83685] New: KStars 1.0 extremely slow (0.9 was f kde-bugs- 
  6. 2004-06-07  [1] [Bug 51844] I am missing very much an import filter f kde-bugs- 
  7. 2004-06-07  [1] [Bug 51844] I am missing very much an import filter f kmail-dev 
  8. 2004-03-31  [1] [Bug 78833] New: Login does not boot KDE but restarts kde-bugs- 
  9. 2004-03-31  [1] [Bug 78832] New: Login does not boot KDE but restarts kde-bugs- 
 10. 2004-03-31  [1] [Bug 78828] New: Login does not boot KDE but restarts kde-bugs- 
 11. 2004-03-31  [1] [Bug 78826] New: Login does not boot KDE but restarts kde-bugs- 
 12. 2004-01-02  [2] [Bug 71591] Write EMail: "to:" Categories (and not on kmail-dev 
 13. 2004-01-01  [2] [Bug 71591] New: Write EMail: "to:" Categories (and n kmail-dev 
 14. 2004-01-01  [2] [Bug 71589] SIGSEGV (Signal 11) crash every once ion  konq-bugs 
 15. 2004-01-01  [2] [Bug 71589] New: SIGSEGV (Signal 11) crash every once konq-bugs 
 16. 2003-05-31  [1] [Bug 59193] New: Kooka crashes with SIG 11 (SIGSEGV)  kde-bugs- 

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