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Viewing messages posted by '"Michael Gates" <mjfgates () hotmail ! com>' (6 msg)
  1. 2003-05-05  [1] Re: [kspread] with or without space                   koffice-d 
  2. 2003-04-25  [1] Re: KSpread - algorithm for fast and memory-saving    koffice-d 
  3. 2002-11-04  [1] Re: Suggestion for export filter writers              koffice-d 
  4. 2002-08-31  [1] Re: crash #44514                                      koffice-d 
  5. 2002-08-18  [1] Re: Help need with Formula                            koffice-d 
  6. 2002-08-18  [1] Re: what about other characters?                      koffice-d 

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